

Interholco (IHC) is one of the largest producing companies of African tropical hardwood, specialized in forest management and wood production. Its subsidiary company IFO manages a 1.16 million ha natural forest area in the Republic of Congo: the largest FSC®-certified tropical timber concession. In the IHC concession, 69% of the area is utilized for production, 27% for conservation/protection and 4% for rural development. Interholco has extensive experience with natural and social capital assessments. Numerous environmental and socio-economic impact assessments have been carried out in preparation of the forest management plan and certification, combined with over 10 years of ongoing detailed monitoring of impacts and dependencies from business activities on natural capital (e.g. on vegetation, water, soil and wildlife). The leading strategy is to manage forests well and sustainably, to secure a long-term supply of high-quality wood. The tropical forests in West- and Central Africa are valuable renewable resources. Development of a sustainable forest- and wood economy is an economic and social incentive for the population to maintain the forest cover and avoid deforestation. It has been determined which parts of the IHC forest areas are available on a long-term basis for forestry and which, due to their uniqueness, have to be preserved as protected areas. (1) FSC® C122325 Adress:B.P. 135, Ouesso, Republic of Congo Contact: